September 05, 2008

Pilates exercises for pregnant women

There are over 500 hundreds Pilates exercises, but a mom-to-be only needs around 5 of them to get their physique and mind ready for labor.

Before you decide to take Pilates exercises, make sure to visit your doctor first for getting his approval, since pregnancy factors, as well as your age, health and fitness level will affect your exercise routine.

Highly recommended Pilates exercises for pregnant women:

Swimming. Pull your belly toward your spine and keep the back of your neck straight and aligned with it. Extend your right arm forward and step your left leg back so they are both parallel with the floor.

Hold for a few breaths then switch sides. Repeat 3 more times.

1. Squatting. Hold with each hand 3 to 5 pound weights and place your back 8 to 10 inches away from a wall, with your feet extended hip-width. Bend you knees keeping your head and back aligned with the wall until you are in a sitting down position.

Take a deep breath that fills your ribcage, avoiding lifting your shoulders. Do 4 bicep curls, and then 4 presses above your head. Get up keeping neck and back straight. Repeat 2 more times.

2. Knee folds on an incline. Lie on your back inclined over a pillow wedge (preferably) or a pile of pillows. Bend your knees and keep and feet touching the floor. Lift your right leg so to make a 90 degree angle with your calf. Return to the initial position without shifting hip weight.

3. Switch legs. Repeat 4 more times.

Tip: Do Kegel exercises while lifting your knee (tighten up the urinating muscles).

4. The hundred. Lie on your back, knees bent and calves parallel to the floor. Lift your extended arms one inch off the floor. Curl your head forward and lift off your shoulders slightly, and pull your belly toward your spine.

Pump your extended arms up and down as you were hitting the air while taking 5 nose breaths, each one followed by 5 mouth exhales.

Take your head, shoulder s and arms down. Repeat 9 more times.

5. Spine stretch against the wall. Sit on the floor with your back against the wall (there must be space at your lower back and neck), legs straight and extended hip-width. Bring your arms forward at your shoulders’ level, parallel to the floor.

Inhale deep enough to lift your rib (but not your shoulder) off your hips. Exhale as you take your head first and then your back off the wall. You have to feel how each of your neck vertebrae rolls away from the wall.

Inhale and exhale again to get back (one vertebrae at a time) to the start position. Repeat 4 more times.


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