December 08, 2007

Why people with high blood pressure can not do Pilates the normal way

Fist of all, let’s make clear that people who suffer form high blood pressure indeed can practice Pilates, the thing is that they have to do it with special care since certain Pilates positions, especially isometric contractions might skyrocket high blood pressure to risky levels.

And what is an isometric contraction? It is when you pull off strength without making any movement. For instance when you push the wall, you are exerting strength, but you are not pushing the wall (well, at least a concrete wall) you are doing a static (isometric) contraction.

Now, Pilates is based on many of these kind of balance contractions to activate deep muscles (abdomen, pelvis, etc), as to stabilize balance movements.

When a person with high blood pressure realizes these movements present diastolic alterations while doing them, but after it, it has been found that isometric exercises slow down the ability of relaxation. Therefore, the levels of blood pressure are kept high enough that may eventually result in thrombosis, brain hemorrhage or miocardio heart attacks.

So we advise you take you monitor your high blood pressure regularly if you realize Pilates, bodybuilding or muscle-workout exercises.


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