November 04, 2006

Pilates exercises: Part II

Neck and upper back exercises

In this post we are going to focus on exercising the neck and all that area of the shoulders and upper back that aches so bad due to the stress and anxiety that produce disnea. It will also help us to have a better blood circulation in the head (brain, eyes, ears, throat, etc). So here we go:

– Stand up with the feet slightly separated (for more balance) and the arms hanging loose on each side.
– Inhale and move your head forward slowly (until the chin touches the chest) and then backwards, (like nodding) stretching the neck (10 times).
– Move the head to both sides, look upon your shoulders, stretching the neck (like saying NO) for 10 times.
– Move the head to both sides like trying to place ear upon each shoulder, stretching slowly (10 times).
– Let’s turn our head 360° degrees from the right and the left (slowly to avoid dizziness) and taking care of breathing with the diaphragm. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale wrinkling the lips.


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