September 23, 2006

Wearing comfortable clothes increases your physical activity

A recent investigation in the U.S. determined that by wearing causal and comfortable clothes to work a person increases in 8% her daily level of physical activity at the office and burns 25 additional calories.

In the study, sponsored by the American Exercise Counsel, and realized by Wisconsin University- La Crosse, participated 53 men and women of 42 years old on overage, from 25 local companies of different branches: stores, banks, government offices, insurance companies, clinics, universities, etc.

Each person, used during two weeks used a step counter twice a week wearing formal clothes one day, and wearing casual clothes on the other.

Researchers concluded that physical activity levels increased when using comfortable clothes.
The participants realized an average of 491 (8%) steps more in the days they worn comfortable clothes than in the days they used work clothes. They also determined they burnt around 25 calories more in the casual clothes days because of the miles walked.

Although the total number of steps and the distance covered was similar between participants during the test, there were found significant differences in the levels of physical activity according the type of work.

Casual and comfortable shoes allow people moving more and invites them to realize more physical activity, for instance using the stairs instead of the elevator (like more women do for using uncomfortable high heels).

The studies were realized during the months of autumn and winter in Wisconsin. But, posterior studies in warmer seasons, suggest that physical activity increases in 20% approximately. So, we can infer that if the participants would have burnt more than 25 extra calories per day if they had worn casual clothes during the months of spring and summer.


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