June 17, 2006

Pilates Rehab: Part I

Pilates as a rehabilitation platform, is one of the most complete and integral exercise technique in these days. It is a harmonic integration of physical conditioning and conscious control over our anatomy and movement. The great similarity the Pilates-based rehab platform has with the modern concept of neuro-mechanical rehab, make it in a total standing technique and in progressive development in this area.

The base of normal movement, painless, that allow us all the mobility ranks and the use of all the functional capacity of our muscular-skeletal system, is on the correct alignment, the stability of the bony-articular system, the balance and tonicity of the muscles, and an efficient mechanism of or neurological control called motion control. For the achievement of painless functional movement we have chosen and sometimes adapted exercise from other techniques and used in rehab like: Mackenzie, Klapp Williams, Bobath, MTB and others. As well, there have been modified and adapted Pilates exercises to fulfill the requirements of rehab itself.

According to the model proposed by Yale University researcher, Panjabi, widely accepted for spinal column and that can become extensive for all the bony-articular system, our body’s stabilization articular system has three basic components: an active part (muscular); a passive one (bony-ligamentous); and, a controlling one in charge of the Central Nervous System.

Any problems affecting in an isolated or simultaneous way one by one many parts of this system, will definitely lead to articular instability and loss of the normal relationship between the joint structures. This condition, known as instability, is compensated by the complex control mechanisms of our system, will determine in time period, depending on each person, the most muscular and ligament tensions, that will turn into disturbance, pain, functional limitation and anatomic changes in the structures involved, generally in the order mentioned, in a sequential way, never simultaneously.


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